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That was more fun than I was expecting. Great game concept and execution! The color customization and the leaderboards really make it a lot more personalized, great job!

Cool game, had a lot of fun playing it!

Really cool game! I think it becomes difficult a little bit too fast, so the pacing is a little weird for me. But I spent quite some time playing it, GGs!

Very nice

Agreeing with the the previous post, great game!


Legit one of my favorite games I've played so far in this jam!  I love the graphics, love the mechanics, thank you for putting a tutorial in the beginning of your game, i mean this was just fantastic! 5 all across for me.  I'm just sad I can't download it to my computer for easy access but I'll add this one to my collection to come back and play it later. 100% victory, sir. 

Nicely executed, enjoyed the upgrades in particular as a feature! Good use of scenery changing to show "health status" too

Great game!

Good fun! I liked the challenge ramp up as well as the art.

Reminded me of a more chaotic Missile Command

(1 edit)

Nice little fun game. Mouse went a little weird at the end as had my normal mouse and the pterodactyl. Would love if you try our game out too